Tillage 2 Bottom Hydraulically Reversible Mb PloughRs 1,10,000 / PieceHORIZONTAL SUCTION: 10 to 25 mmUNDER FRAME POINT CLEARANCE: 600 mmWORKING DEPTH: 200 - 330 (8"-13") 30 mm(MIN-MAX) mmPENETRATION PITCH: 620 mm Minimum Order Quantity: 3 PieceHORIZONTAL SUCTION: 10 to 25 mmUNDER FRAME POINT CLEARANCE: 600 mmWORKING DEPTH: 200 - 330 (8"-13") 30 mm(MIN-MAX) mmVERTICAL SUCTION: 10 To 20 (penetration Pitch)PENETRATION PITCH: 620 mmNumber OF BOTTOMS: 2WORKING WIDTH OF EACH BOTTOM: 300 / 350 / 400 The farmking hydraulically reversible mb plough is a specially designed agricultural implement used for turning the soil levels up side down, incorporating soil residues and making available more fertile layer for the new crop. It provides deep seed bed preparation with proper aeration and drainage. MB Plough is used as a primary tillage implement for soft and hard soils.FEATURES Strong thick walled box Section frame.Body extension provision from 2-3 mould boards (pairs).Large inter body and under frame clearance.Provision for angle adjustment.Axle housing pipe.Provision of shear bolt.Specially heat treated parts and polished mould board.Reliable turn over device.Adjustable stray rod assemblyShock absorbing shaftADVANTAGE Strong thick walled box section frame provides solid base to the plough And Body frame can be extended to take another pair of ploughs.Enhances the scope of work for implement with higher HP tractor.Avoids blockages when ploughing in residue fields.Variable cutting width for different soil types.Avoids breakage of its parts in cloddy fields and prevents sticking of soil.Provides precise and quick turnover action and is able to withstand hard shock loadsProvision of changing alignment and prevent side dragging.Allows the possibility for changing curvature angle.Less stress on tractor, hence longer lifeProtection of implement and tractor from excess load and ensures no twisting of plough legs in stony fields.know more4063089173Get Best PriceCall Now Regular HD Series Rotavator - 8ftRs 1,60,000 / PiecePower: 50 HpUsage/Application: AgricultureName Of Part: RotavatorBlade Type: L TypeCountry of Origin: Made in India Minimum Order Quantity: 3 PiecePower: 50 HpUsage/Application: AgricultureName Of Part: RotavatorBlade Type: L TypeCountry of Origin: Made in India The FARMKING Rotavator is used for pulvireses soil while preparing seedbed. It is suitable to use in dry as well as wetland tilling. It is best suited to remove crop residual remains of crops such as sugarcane, wheat, banana, cotton etc.It retains soil moisture and increases soil areation and creation, which ensures proper growth of crops. Fuel expenses saving can be to the tune of 15% TO 35%. Pudding in wet fields is done smoothly, quickly and efficientlyHeavy Duty Side gear drive ensures performace in all working conditions.know more2853402050288Get Best PriceCall Now Regular HD Series Rotavator - 7ftRs 1,50,000 / PieceName Of Part: RotavatorBlade Type: L TypeI Deal In: New OnlyRotated By: Gear DrivenBrand: Farm KingColor: Orange Minimum Order Quantity: 3 PieceName Of Part: RotavatorBlade Type: L TypeI Deal In: New OnlyRotated By: Gear DrivenBrand: Farm KingColor: OrangeGEAR BOX OVERLOAD PROTECTION: Shear BoltGEARBOX: Multi Speed / Double Speed / Single SpeedCountry of Origin: Made in India The FARMKING Rotavator is used for pulvireses soil while preparing seedbed. It is suitable to use in dry as well as wetland tilling. It is best suited to remove crop residual remains of crops such as sugarcane, wheat, banana, cotton etc.It retains soil moisture and increases soil areation and creation, which ensures proper growth of crops. Fuel expenses saving can be to the tune of 15% TO 35%. Pudding in wet fields is done smoothly, quickly and efficientlyHeavy Duty Side gear drive ensures performace in all working conditions. Our price starts from Rs 85000 to 1,50,000 per unit.Specifications: Brand- Farm KingModel- 14*46 mmNo of Blades- 24 to 66Blade type- L,J,CWidth- 3 to 9 feetknow more4063083833Get Best PriceCall Now Regular HD Series Rotavator - 5ftRs 14,00,000 / PieceBlade Type: L TypeBrand: FARMKINGGearbox: 4 SpeedRequired HP: 45 HPCountry of Origin: Made in India Minimum Order Quantity: 6 PieceBlade Type: L TypeBrand: FARMKINGGearbox: 4 SpeedRequired HP: 45 HPCountry of Origin: Made in India The FARMKING Rotavator is used for pulvireses soil while preparing...The FARMKING Rotavator is used for pulvireses soil while preparing seedbed. It is suitable to use in dry as well as wetland tilling. It is best suited to remove crop residual remains of crops such as sugarcane, wheat, banana, cotton etc.It retains soil moisture and increases soil areation and creation, which ensures proper growth of crops. Fuel expenses saving can be to the tune of 15% TO 35%. Pudding in wet fields is done smoothly, quickly and efficientlyHeavy Duty Side gear drive ensures performace in all working conditions.know more2853402066830Get Best PriceCall Now Reversible Hydraulic PloughRs 1,10,000 / PieceThe farmking hydraulically reversible mb plough is a specially designed agricultural implement used for turning the soil levels up side down, incorporating soil residues and...The farmking hydraulically reversible mb plough is a specially designed agricultural implement used for turning the soil levels up side down, incorporating soil residues and making available more fertile layer for the new crop. It provides deep seed bed preparation with proper aeration and drainage. MB Plough is used as a primary tillage implement for soft and hard soils.FEATURESStrong thick walled box Section frame.Body extension provision from 2-3 mould boards (pairs).Large inter body and under frame clearance.Provision for angle adjustment.Axle housing pipe.Provision of shear bolt.Specially heat treated parts and polished mould board.Reliable turn over device.Adjustable stray rod assemblyShock absorbing shaftADVANTAGEStrong thick walled box section frame provides solid base to the plough And Body frame can be extended to take another pair of ploughs.Enhances the scope of work for implement with higher HP tractor.Avoids blockages when ploughing in residue fields.Variable cutting width for different soil types.Avoids breakage of its parts in cloddy fields and prevents sticking of soil.Provides precise and quick turnover action and is able to withstand hard shock loadsProvision of changing alignment and prevent side dragging.Allows the possibility for changing curvature angle.Less stress on tractor, hence longer lifeProtection of implement and tractor from excess load and ensures no twisting of plough legs in stony fields.know more2855457582162Get Best PriceCall Now Hydraulic Reversible M B PloughRs 1,10,000 / PieceThe farmking hydraulically reversible mb plough is a specially designed agricultural implement used for turning the soil levels up side down, incorporating soil residues and...The farmking hydraulically reversible mb plough is a specially designed agricultural implement used for turning the soil levels up side down, incorporating soil residues and making available more fertile layer for the new crop. It provides deep seed bed preparation with proper aeration and drainage. MB Plough is used as a primary tillage implement for soft and hard soils.FEATURESStrong thick walled box Section frame.Body extension provision from 2-3 mould boards (pairs).Large inter body and under frame clearance.Provision for angle adjustment.Axle housing pipe.Provision of shear bolt.Specially heat treated parts and polished mould board.Reliable turn over device.Adjustable stray rod assemblyShock absorbing shaftADVANTAGEStrong thick walled box section frame provides solid base to the plough And Body frame can be extended to take another pair of ploughs.Enhances the scope of work for implement with higher HP tractor.Avoids blockages when ploughing in residue fields.Variable cutting width for different soil types.Avoids breakage of its parts in cloddy fields and prevents sticking of soil.Provides precise and quick turnover action and is able to withstand hard shock loadsProvision of changing alignment and prevent side dragging.Allows the possibility for changing curvature angle.Less stress on tractor, hence longer lifeProtection of implement and tractor from excess load and ensures no twisting of plough legs in stony fields.know more2855457582048Get Best PriceCall Now Rotavator For TractorRs 1,45,000 / PieceOverall Width (Feet): 6 FeetNumber Of Blades: 36Blade Type: C TypeCountry of Origin: Made in India Minimum Order Quantity: 3 PieceOverall Width (Feet): 6 FeetNumber Of Blades: 36Blade Type: C TypeCountry of Origin: Made in India The FARMKING Rotavator is used for pulvireses soil while preparing...The FARMKING Rotavator is used for pulvireses soil while preparing seedbed. It is suitable to use in dry as well as wetland tilling. It is best suited to remove crop residual remains of crops such as sugarcane, wheat, banana, cotton etc.It retains soil moisture and increases soil areation and creation, which ensures proper growth of crops. Fuel expenses saving can be to the tune of 15% TO 35%. Pudding in wet fields is done smoothly, quickly and efficientlyHeavy Duty Side gear drive ensures performace in all working conditions.know more2855457578312Get Best PriceCall Now Regular HD Series Rotavator - 4ftRs 1,35,000 / PieceWorking Width / No. Of Blade: 4 Feet / 30 BladeOverall Width (Feet): 4 feetBlade Type: J TypeBrand: FarmkingCountry of Origin: Made in India Working Width / No. Of Blade: 4 Feet / 30 BladeOverall Width (Feet): 4 feetBlade Type: J TypeBrand: FarmkingCountry of Origin: Made in India The FARMKING Rotavator is used for pulvireses soil while preparing seedbed. It is suitable to use in dry as well as wetland tilling. It is best suited to remove crop residual remains of crops such as sugarcane, wheat, banana, cotton etc.It retains soil moisture and increases soil areation and creation, which ensures proper growth of crops. Fuel expenses saving can be to the tune of 15% TO 35%. Pudding in wet fields is done smoothly, quickly and efficientlyHeavy Duty Side gear drive ensures performace in all working conditions.know more2853402066948Get Best PriceCall Now Regular HD Series Rotavator - 6ftRs 1,45,000 / PieceBrand: FARMKINGCountry of Origin: Made in India Brand: FARMKINGCountry of Origin: Made in India The FARMKING Rotavator is used for pulvireses soil while preparing seedbed. It is suitable to use in dry as well as...The FARMKING Rotavator is used for pulvireses soil while preparing seedbed. It is suitable to use in dry as well as wetland tilling. It is best suited to remove crop residual remains of crops such as sugarcane, wheat, banana, cotton etc.It retains soil moisture and increases soil areation and creation, which ensures proper growth of crops. Fuel expenses saving can be to the tune of 15% TO 35%. Pudding in wet fields is done smoothly, quickly and efficientlyHeavy Duty Side gear drive ensures performace in all working conditions.know more2853402067048Get Best PriceCall Now Heavy Duty Rigid Type CultivatorRs 38,000 / PieceNo Of Tynes: 9 tynesType: Rigid TypeMaterial: Mild SteelTractor Power: 35 HPModel Name / Number: FARMKINGCountry of Origin: Made in India Minimum Order Quantity: 3 PieceNo Of Tynes: 9 tynesType: Rigid TypeMaterial: Mild SteelTractor Power: 35 HPModel Name / Number: FARMKINGCountry of Origin: Made in India FEATURESThe profile cut tynes get their strength because of a peculiar design in which the stress prone points are shaped to resist any distorting strains.Main frame is made out of heavy duty reinforced with projection flats.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS9Tyne11 TyneFRAME65 x 65 mm Heavy Duty Box with 50 x 6 mm Bar65 x 65 mm Heavy Duty Box with 50 x 6 mm BarTYNESProfile cut single piece 25 mm thicknessProfile cut single piece 25 mm thicknessANGLE BRACKET65 x 10 mm65 x 10 mmSIDE SUPPORT75 x 10 mm Angle75 x 10 mm AngleSHOVELSEn - 45, 8 mm ReversibleEn - 45, 8 mm ReversibleFRAME BOLT12 x 35 mm12 x 35 mmTHREE POINT LINKAGE65 x 16 & 50 x 16 mm65 x 16 & 50 x 16 mmHEIGHT525 mm525 mmLENGTH2000 mm2450 mmWIDTH550 mm550 mmAPPROX. WEIGHT215 Kg.250 Kg.NOTE : The contents of this catalogue are only giving information to the end user without engagement from our side. The company can modify SPECIFICATIONS of the total machine and it's components without any previous notice.know more22466890588Get Best PriceCall Now Compact Disc HarrowAsk PriceUsage/Application: AgricultureBrand: FARMKINGDisc Diameter (mm): 610/660Width of Cut (mm): 1900-2780Country of Origin: Made in India Minimum Order Quantity: 1 UnitUsage/Application: AgricultureBrand: FARMKINGDisc Diameter (mm): 610/660Width of Cut (mm): 1900-2780Country of Origin: Made in India The FARM KING Mounted Heavy Duty Compact Disc Harrow used in open farm workings for the superficial ploughing, for the shattering of clods, preparation of soil for sowing, burial of organic substances and remains.It can be used as Trailed type as well as mounted onto three point linkage offering great versatility The angle between the disc gangs can be adjusted according the type of soil upto 45 degree.It is used in light to medium soil condition, for elimination of weeds, breaking roots and aering soil.High quality Boron steel disc. Easily transportable-as it gets easily attached and mounted.know more22454580655Get Best PriceCall Now Extra Heavy Duty CultivatorAsk PriceSPRING: Spring Steel 10 mmWIDTH: 700 mmFRAME: 100x50 mmTYNES: 50 x 25 mm forgedSHOVELS: 8 mm EN-45 ReversibleTILLER PIN: 28 mm (Standard) Minimum Order Quantity: 1 UnitSPRING: Spring Steel 10 mmWIDTH: 700 mmFRAME: 100x50 mmTYNES: 50 x 25 mm forgedSHOVELS: 8 mm EN-45 ReversibleTILLER PIN: 28 mm (Standard)Country of Origin: Made in India The FARMKING Extra Heavy Duty Spring Loaded Cultivator is designed and recommended for usage in stump and stone embedded soil. On encountering an obstruction, the tyne swings back and reset its position and work continues without interruption. It is designed for toughest soil conditions Used for loosening and aerating the soil to a depth of 250 mm.know more4063057591Get Best PriceCall Now Poly Disc Harrow / PloughAsk PriceBrand: OtherType Of Disc Harrow: Tractor Disc HarrowType of Mounting: CAT I/IIFrame: Robust FrameGang Axle: Solid Bar Brand: OtherType Of Disc Harrow: Tractor Disc HarrowType of Mounting: CAT I/IIFrame: Robust FrameGang Axle: Solid BarType Of Disc: Notched Or Plain Disc (Optional) Poly Disc Harrow is used while cultivation in chopping up soil that has been recently ploughed to remove the cluster and loosen the soil if it has been crammed. Used to chop weeds and remains of past crops while burying them with soil turning & mixing.Well designed robust frame to give best performace Minimum load even in tough soil conditionsOption of Notched / Plain Boron steel discs.know more10886105433Get Best PriceCall Now Tubular Frame Mounted Disc PloughAsk PriceFRAME: Heavy Duty seamless Tubular Frame (OD 168 mm with 8 mm thickness)MOUNTED: CAT - IIBEARINGS: 2 Nos. Taper rollerSCRAPPER: 6 mm adjustable FRAME: Heavy Duty seamless Tubular Frame (OD 168 mm with 8 mm thickness)MOUNTED: CAT - IIBEARINGS: 2 Nos. Taper rollerSCRAPPER: 6 mm adjustableCOLTER DISC: 500 x 6 mm boron steelDISCS: 660 x 6 mm Boron steel ADVANTAGEThe FARMKING MOUNTED DISC PLOUGH is designed to work in all types of soil for basic functions such as soil breaking, soil raising, soil turning and soil mixing.It is used to open the new fields and to process the stony areas.it can be used easily at rocky and rooted areas.It is especially useful in hard and dry trashy land conditions and in soils where scouring is a major problem.FEATURESIn conformity with the soil conditions it is being produced with 2-3-4-5 and 6 Disc (Bottom) version with an option for extra kit for converting it to extra disc plough.It is directly mounted to the tractors.The extra heavy-duty seamless tubing frame has high trash clearance allowing the plough to operate under heavy crop residue.Other Details:SIZE2 BOTTOM3 BOTTOM4 BOTTOM5 BOTTOM (4+1)LENGTH1800 mm2400 mm3000 mm3600 mmWIDTH825 mm1050 mm1250 mm1500 mmHEIGHT1200 mm1225 mm1250 mm1250 mmDISC SPACING550 mm550 mm575 mm575 mmWIDTH OF CUT500 - 550 mm875 - 925 mm1150 - 1200 mm1575 - 1625 mmREQUIRED TRACTOR40 - 45 HP50 - 60 HP70 - 80 HP90 HP & AboveAPPROX.WEIGTH275 Kg.400 Kg.500 Kg.600 Kg.NOTE : The contents of this catalogue are only giving information to the end user without engagement from our side. The company can modify SPECIFICATIONS of the total machine and it'sknow more7492997548Get Best PriceCall Now Mould Board PloughAsk PriceFRAME: Heavy Duty Box , High Strength FramePOINT LINKEGE: 65 x 16 mm Flat & 32 mm square(3)SHOVEL: 45 x 25 mm Bar {EN-42 Forged}MOULD BOARD PLATE: 8 mm Minimum Order Quantity: 1 UnitFRAME: Heavy Duty Box , High Strength FramePOINT LINKEGE: 65 x 16 mm Flat & 32 mm square(3)SHOVEL: 45 x 25 mm Bar {EN-42 Forged}MOULD BOARD PLATE: 8 mmBLADE: 10 mmWIDTH: 710 mmTYPE: 36 mm profile cut single pieceCountry of Origin: Made in India The FARMKING MOUNTED M.B. PLOUGH can handle the toughest ploughing job with outstanding penetration performance.It has high strength and rugged frame enabling it to work in all type of soil for basic function such as soil breaking, soil raising and soil turning.It can be used in stony & rooted soils with high under frame clearance for trashy conditions.The plough has special wear-resistance steel bottoms with bar points for toughest ploughing jobs.Bar points bottoms ensure longer life as they can be extended or reserved or re-used till the last possible lenght.know more4063091633Get Best PriceCall Now Rigid CultivatorAsk PriceSHOVELS: EN45, 8 mm ReversibleFRAME: Heavy Duty Box , High Strength FrameSIDE SUPPORT: 75 x 10 mm AngleTHREE POINT LINKAGE: 65 x 16 & 50 x 16 mmWIDTH: 775 mm SHOVELS: EN45, 8 mm ReversibleFRAME: Heavy Duty Box , High Strength FrameSIDE SUPPORT: 75 x 10 mm AngleTHREE POINT LINKAGE: 65 x 16 & 50 x 16 mmFRAME BOLT: High TensileWIDTH: 775 mmANGLE BRACKET: 65 x 10 mmTYNES: Profile cut single piece 25 mm thicknessCountry of Origin: Made in India Specifially suitable for black hard soil for toughest jobs Distinctive design of these profile cut tynes for high strength Main frame is made out of heavy duty reinforced with projection flats. Also available in adustable tyne for variable row width. know more4063067288Get Best PriceCall Now Mounted Offset Disc HarrowAsk PriceMOUNTING: CAT. I / II (Optional)DISC DIAMETER mm: 560 / 610 (Optional)TYPE OF DISCS: Notched in Front & Plain in Rear MOUNTING: CAT. I / II (Optional)DISC DIAMETER mm: 560 / 610 (Optional)TYPE OF DISCS: Notched in Front & Plain in RearHEIGHT: 1150 mm with 560 mm Disc 1200 mm with 610 mm DiscFRAME: 75 x 10 mm Angle with 100 x 50 mm ChannelGANG BOLT: 32 mm Central square Solid Bar The FARMKING MOUNTED OFFSET DISC HARROW is used in superficial and depth ploughing, for the breaking clods, loosen up soil and chop material/ residue to incorporate into the top soil.High-quality Boron steel discs.Easily transportable- as it gets easily attached and mounted.Optional notched disc to chop up the residual from previous crop such as sugarcane stalk etc improving rapid decay of dead plant material.Option of angle adjustment for different soil conditions and to achieve variable cutting depth. It can be used in light and medium soil know more10886090897Get Best PriceCall Now
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